In California, a child is considered emancipated by the age of 18 or after high school graduation. At this time, the children are still teenagers, but are considered adults, and usually matters like child support and custody laws do not apply to them anymore. A recent...
*The Law Offices of Heath Baker Law only operates within California. If you are Out-of-State please do not send in a form. There may be a situation where, to regain custody of your child, you need to terminate guardianship. For instance, if grandparents can tell the...
If you find yourself in an abusive relationship, your first priority is getting you and your children to safety. This means you need to find a place to stay where the abuser can’t find you, such as a hotel, the home of a non-mutual friend, or a battered women’s...
The court normally awards joint custody, shared custody or sole custody. Parents who are looking to win sole custody during a child custody proceeding should prepare themselves for what may be a difficult process. Sole custody differs from joint custody in that a sole...