Child Custody And Religion: Who Chooses?

The First Amendment of the United States Constitution, federal, and state law, limit Courts from making orders that obstruct a parent‘s right to observe and discuss their religious tenets.  In proceedings for child custody, the Court is often asked to make orders...

What should I wear?

I am often asked by my clients and friends, “What should I wear to court?” If you dress appropriately and respectfully, maintain hygiene, avoid gaudy accessories, and keep your cellular phone turned off, you are heading in the right direction.  Check out...

Pick Your Battles When It Comes To Family Law

When it comes to Family Law, parents often lose track of what is important (what is best for the children) and tend to focus on what is best for them (winning the case, custody time grabbing, alienating the other parent, etc.). I recently heard a parent ask a judge...

730 Evaluation

From time to time, one party or the other (or even the Court) may request the use of a forensic evaluator, or “730 evaluator,” – a professional, expert, who provides a report to the Court with regard to a specific issue.  In the Family Law arena, during the course of...

Don’t badmouth the other parent

One of the hardest things to do in a divorce is keep your mouth shut.  All too frequently I find myself trying to put out fires that a client has started, because they could not refuse to take the bait of their former spouse.  Keeping quiet, and avoiding a verbal...