Our Family Law Blog
Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Myspace…
Facebook Woes... Just about everybody has, or knows someone who has, a Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or Myspace account. The social networking today provides convenient access to friends and family, easy communication and quick ways to share your life stories to...
How Holidays Are After Divorce
Holidays and Child Custody Schedules It’s that time of year again, Halloween is right around the corner and Christmas decorations are already in the stores. As divorced parents we cringe to think about splitting holidays, or splitting time on holidays, or not seeing...
How do I fill out my court paperwork?
How do I fill out my court paperwork? A question, which is often asked but has an answer which is much more in depth than simply checking boxes and filing in blank spaces, should be further examined. Whether you are requesting orders from the court, or responding to...
Can I change my child’s last name?
"Can I change my child's last name?" Every once in a while a client will ask, and more often they will arbitrarily act on their own, to change the surname of their child without talking to the other parent. This occurs most frequently when mom reverts back to a...
Child’s Preference in Visitation Cases
When can my child decide who (s)he will live with? This question is one of the most frequently asked questions in my office, and the California Family Code answers it: “If a child is of sufficient age and capacity to reason so as to form an intelligent...
Domestic Violence and Child Custody
Few will disagree that domestic violence has a negative impact on the children of the parents who fight. Although the majority agrees that one parent is usually the perpetrator of domestic violence, it does not mean that the other parent is most favorably advancing...
Child Visitation and Skype
With the advancements in technology, and with more children becoming familiar with the family computer, parents and children are finding communication via email, Facebook, Skype, or text message a common alternative to face-to-face conversations. With an adult-child...
Child Custody And Religion: Who Chooses?
The First Amendment of the United States Constitution, federal, and state law, limit Courts from making orders that obstruct a parent‘s right to observe and discuss their religious tenets. In proceedings for child custody, the Court is often asked to make orders...
What should I wear?
I am often asked by my clients and friends, "What should I wear to court?" If you dress appropriately and respectfully, maintain hygiene, avoid gaudy accessories, and keep your cellular phone turned off, you are heading in the right direction. Check out this article...
Pick Your Battles When It Comes To Family Law
When it comes to Family Law, parents often lose track of what is important (what is best for the children) and tend to focus on what is best for them (winning the case, custody time grabbing, alienating the other parent, etc.). I recently heard a parent ask a judge...