Our Family Law Blog

730 Evaluation

From time to time, one party or the other (or even the Court) may request the use of a forensic evaluator, or “730 evaluator,” – a professional, expert, who provides a report to the Court with regard to a specific issue.  In the Family Law arena, during the course of...

Don’t badmouth the other parent

One of the hardest things to do in a divorce is keep your mouth shut.  All too frequently I find myself trying to put out fires that a client has started, because they could not refuse to take the bait of their former spouse.  Keeping quiet, and avoiding a verbal...

Stepparent Visitation

According to the U.S. Bureau of Census, of the 60 million American children under the age of 13, half are currently living with one biological parent and that parent’s current partner.  It is believed that half of those children (25% of all children) suffer second and...

Non Parent Custody And How It Works In California

In making an award of child custody to either parent, the Court must consider several factors; the best interest of the child is always the intent of the Court, with custodial orders to both parents jointly, then to either parent.  If the Court makes an order of...

Department of Child Support Services (DCSS)

Child support will be an issue for any parent going through a divorce.  Generally, child support is ordered to be paid by the non-custodial parent, until the child reaches eighteen years of age AND has completed high school.  If the custodial parent has sought the...

Can you Mediate your Divorce?

Mediation, in a Family Law matter, involves a neutral third party who attempts to "facilitate" settlement negotiations between the divorcing parties. Mediation is a process where a neutral person assists in the communication between the parties to help them in...

Child Support

The Huffington Post just reported that model Linda Evangelista has requested a New York court to award her $46,000 a month in child support, even though she is worth $8,000,000.00. Some same the figure is extreme and others justify it with her need for a nanny and...

Can I Get an Annulment?

I have been asked several times recently about the difference between a divorce and an annulment. It might be because many people were raised to believe that “until death do us part” really meant just that; so the idea of an annulment is the easiest way to justify the...

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