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aw Office of Heath L. Baker

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Top Rated Family Law Firm in Riverside County

Riverside divorce attorneyThe Law Office of Heath L. Baker is focused on protecting your custody and visitation rights.  Because in most instances, custody issues are closely tied to the particulars of a divorce action, we are well versed in handling any type of divorce action.   Below are a few of the issues that come up frequently:


If you are thinking about divorce, it might be a good idea to understand what your legal rights are during the procedure. Protecting your legal rights can ensure that you are on-track to possibly acquire what you want from your divorce.

Child Custody Rights

Child custody can be one of the most difficult issues that come up during a divorce. There are different types of child custody agreements such as physical, joint and unmarried custody to name a few. The best way to protect your rights as a parent is to understand what your rights are and have an experienced Child Custody Lawyer by your side.

Visitation Rights

Ideally, the courts prefer for parents to try and make their own parenting plan and visitation schedule together.  If both parents agree with one another regarding visitation rights, the parents can submit the schedule to the court for official court approval.  As long as the visitation schedule  reasonable in the eye of the court, the court will approve it, and it will become an enforceable court order. How do you know what the court will find “reasonable”?  This is why it it is important to have a Visitation Rights Lawyer by your side to advise you. For the well being of your children, you should spend as much time with them as possible. Let us help you to convince the court of that as well.

Custody & Support Modifications

Modification of Orders – If you have had a change in circumstance and need a change in the custody, visitation, or support orders, we will help you with your options. Many of our clients have changes in jobs, salary, compensation that the court will take into consideration to modify the support order. On the other hand, if you believe that your ex-spouse is purposely hiding income, an experienced Custody & Support Modification lawyer will help you find the truth and bring it to light in court.

Move Away Orders

In this tough economy, many are finding that they need to move in order to find work.  This ultimate affects the custody arrangement of the children.  There are many reasons for and against a move that the court will consider before allowing or not allowing a custodial parent to move with the children. Only an experienced Custody Attorney who understand the factors that affects the courts decision will be able to advise you properly to get the best possible outcome.

Grandparent’s Rights

Ideally, the courts prefer for parents to try and make their own parenting plan and visitation schedule together.  If both parents agree with one another regarding visitation rights, the parents can submit the schedule to the court for official court approval.  As long as the visitation schedule  reasonable in the eye of the court, the court will approve it, and it will become an enforceable court order.

Domestic Violence & Custody Rights

Domestic Violence has terrible and damaging effects on children and thus the courts weight this issue heavily when determining custodial rights.  If you have been a victim of domestic violence, you need to call the authorities and a skilled attorney to help protect you and your children.  But just as damaging are false accusations of domestic violence.  Without the aid of a skilled attorney, you may be subject to fines and other penalties, but most importantly, it may permanently affect your rights to have custody of or see your children.

[Alert] If you have been falsely accused on Domestic Violence, it is important to contact an experienced attorney immediately! Unattended, this accusation can cause irreparable damage to your custody case.[/Alert]

Contact Heath Baker Law To Speak With A Lawyer Today!

Call us today at (951) 222-2228 or reach us at our Contact page to schedule a consultation and find out more about your legal needs and options.